New Jersey Wasp Control

Those afraid of stings might grow up fearing wasps, but the truth is these insects are harmless unless threatened. Wasps even help control the population of several well-known garden pests like spiders. However, if wasps are able to get indoors, they’re capable of building a nest in your home or business, which can be dangerous. The best wasp treatment in New Jersey removes them gently and ensures they can’t return. To protect your New Jersey home or business from wasps, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What Are Wasps?
Pest control experts at Viking Pest explain wasps are a class of insects that bear close a resemblance to both bees and ants. There are several unique species of wasps that make their homes in New Jersey, including yellow jackets, hornets, and mud daubers. Each wasp species has its own uniquely patterned body that’s longer and slimmer than that of bees.
How to Identify Wasps
Viking Pest’s certified entomologist, Craig, explains wasps in New Jersey are generally black, yellow, or reddish-brown in color, with long wings and six legs. All local wasp species build nests, and it’s often easier to identify the nest than it is to identify the wasp that built it. Mud daubers build small, narrow nests made of mud, while other wasps build burrows in the ground to nest. Yellowjackets, the most well-known wasp species in New Jersey, build honeycomb-shaped paper nests.
When Are Wasps Active in New Jersey?
New Jersey pest control experts state wasps are most active in New Jersey during the summer months and can be more aggressive in late summer when their natural sources of food start to become scarce. When their food sources are scarce, wasps are more attracted to human structures, which offer a warm, sheltered place to build their nests, as well as a regular source of food. This is when you need to be aware of nests in or around your New Jersey building or home.
It’s common to find various types of wasps building nests attached to homes, door frames, or along gutters, explain the local New Jersey exterminators at Viking Pest. Wasps seeking both shelter and food are often attracted to homes or business buildings that have open garbage cans or other sources of accessible food waste. Wasps can also enter homes and structures through cracks or holes in the roofs or siding and build their nests in the shelter of quiet, warm attics or in the walls themselves.
What Kinds of Problems Do Wasps Cause in and Around My Home or Business in New Jersey?
If you start to notice the number of wasps in your New Jersey yard or around your home or business increasing, chances are there’s a nest nearby. Seeing wasps inside your home or building a nest on your property means that you may be at risk for painful stings if you disturb them. For people who are allergic to stings, this could be deadly.
Even if you’re not allergic, having a wasp nest on your property makes gardening and other outdoor activities much less appealing. If you think there’s a wasp nest in your house or around your yard or property, we recommend you immediately look into expert wasp prevention. In New Jersey, most wasps are not aggressive but can become hostile and sting repeatedly if they think their nest is being threatened. If you believe you’re having an issue with wasps in or around your business or home, contact the professional wasp exterminators at Viking Pest. Our team of certified pest management professionals are properly trained to handle active wasp nests with the most effective treatment plan.
How to Prevent Wasps in New Jersey
The best way to prevent wasps in New Jersey is to ensure that there’s no food source or possible shelter for them inside your home or on your property. Professional pest control experts at Viking Pest can guide you through this process. Typically, a Viking Pest pest management professional will start by checking the exterior of your home or business thoroughly and sealing holes or cracks in walls, windows, and doors where wasps could enter.
Outdoors, the New Jersey pest control experts recommended you cover garbage with secured lids and that there’s no food waste left behind after picnics or outdoor parties. If you have fruit trees on your property, ensure that you dispose of fallen fruit immediately. If you have play structures or large children’s toys on your property, check them over thoroughly by looking underneath the seats or inside narrow openings before use, to ensure there are no wasp nests.
If you have an infestation, seek help from a wasp pest control expert in New Jersey. Pest control experts from Viking Pest offer Integrated Pest Management, a program that controls wasps from the source using minimal materials.
Protecting Your New Jersey Home or Business From Wasps With Viking Pest Control
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent wasps from invading your home or business in New Jersey. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques focuses on finding the core of the pest concern and controlling wasps from the source. Through IPM, pest control materials are selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risks to human health, pets, and the environment. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!