Delaware Termite Control and Extermination

Termites are pests that live off of an organic fiber called cellulose. One of the places that termites find the cellulose they need to survive is in wood. These pests can eat away at the wood of your Delaware home or business around the clock. Damage from termites is not immediately noticeable which means that activity can go on for years before you see signs of it on the inside of your Delaware home or business. To protect your Delaware home or business from termites, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What are Termites?
Termites are small pests that eat away at the wood of houses and businesses throughout Delaware. These pests can also infest dead or dying trees. Delaware termite control experts at Viking Pest explain each termite colony has a hierarchical system in which each type of termite performs a specific task. The king and queen termites are the largest termites in the colony and they are in charge of reproduction. Soldier termites provide protection from threats to the colony. The worker termites are the ones that do the damage to your home or business by eating away at the structural wood, explain the local termite exterminators at Viking Pest. Winged termites, also known as reproductives, alates, or swarmers, eventually leave in search of a new place to establish a colony. Upon finding a location that provides the moisture and food supply they need, the reproductive termites shed their wings and become the king and queen of a new colony, explain the Delaware termite control experts at Viking Pest.
How to Identify Termites
Termites have some physical similarities to ants, especially to the untrained eye. However, if you look closely you will see that these two types of pests are fairly easy to distinguish from one another. Viking Pest’s certified entomologist, Craig, explains termites do not have a narrow waistline or segmented body like ants. In addition, the antennae of termites are straight which is different from the segmented antennae found on ants. Winged termites have wings that are straight and equal in size while winged ants have front and back wings that differ in size. Termite control experts at Viking Pest explain, termites spend the majority of their time out of sight in the colony or moving back and forth using mud tubes. The type of termite you are most likely to see is the winged termite that heads out from one colony in search of a place to establish a new colony.
What Problems Can Termites Cause for Delaware Home and Business Owners?
Termites pose a threat to homes and businesses throughout Delaware. These pests have the potential to cause expensive damage to your property over an extended amount of time. It is estimated that termite repairs add up to billions of dollars each year. The Eastern subterranean termite is the type of termite most likely to cause problems for Delaware home and business owners, explain the termite exterminators at Viking Pest. One of the reasons termites are able to cause such significant damage is that they can eat away at the wood in your property unnoticed for years. Once secondary damage such as cracked walls and framing issues become visible, the termite damage is typically very advanced.
Subterranean Termite Mud Tunnels
Eliminate subterranean termites and their mud tunnels from your property with our professional pest control services.
What are Subterranean Mud Tunnels?
Subterranean termites are a nightmare to residential and commercial property owners. Termites build mud tunnels out of soil, wood, and their saliva to connect underground colonies with food sources above-ground. What’s more, these tunnels protect termites from moisture and predators, explain the termite extermination experts at Viking Pest.
What Do Termite Mud Tunnels Look Like?
Termite mud tunnels tend to look like stalagmites in caves. When inspecting your property for termites, look out for three types of mud tunnels— working tubes, exploratory tubes, and drop tubes. Working tubes run from the soil to a food source, while exploratory tubes go through the soil. A drop tube forms a path from the wood back to the soil.
Where to Find Mud Tunnels in Your Home
Termites love moisture. Viking’s termite control experts normally find termite mud tunnels around framing cracks, unprotected brick walls, bathrooms, laundry rooms, crawlspaces, or any other moist areas around your property.
When are Termites Active in Delaware?
The Eastern subterranean termite is active throughout the year in Delaware. Delaware termite control experts at Viking Pest explain reproductive winged termites leave the colony once the weather warms in the spring and starts to search for a suitable place to establish a colony. Once a location is found, the male and female reproductives shed their wings and become king and queen. The king and queen initially mate in the late fall to start establishing a new colony. From that point on, the queen continues to lay eggs and keep the colony populated. Once a colony is established, the worker termites will remain active throughout the year and cause continual damage to the wood of your Delaware home or business, explain the Delaware termite control experts at Viking Pest.
How to Prevent Termites in Delaware
If you want to understand how to prevent termites in Delaware, start with education. Learn how to make your home less attractive to termites and keep them away. Our Delaware pest control experts at Viking Pest recommend the use of a Termite Bait and Monitoring System. A Termite Bait and Monitoring System helps keep termites away from your property by drawing them away from your home and into the baiting system with bait that they love to eat. The bait is designed to prevent termites from molting which will eventually lead to the eradication of these pests.
If you want to know how to get rid of termites that have already infested your Delaware home or business, the most effective and efficient option is to bring in professional help. A pest control expert, like those at Viking Pest, will be able to recommend and implement a plan that gets to the root of your termite infestation in order to eliminate these destructive pests and prevent them from returning.
Hire Viking Pest to Help Control Termites in Delaware
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent termites from invading your home or business in Delaware. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques focuses on finding the core of the pest concern and controlling termites from the source. Through IPM, pest control materials are selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risks to human health, pets, and the environment. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!