Pennsylvania Stink Bug Control and Extermination

Did you know that stink bugs aren’t native to the United States? This bothersome pest originates from East Asia and was accidentally introduced into eastern Pennsylvania in the mid to late 1990s. The PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain this bug, known for emitting an unpleasant odor when disturbed, causes serious damage when feeding on food crops and ornamental garden plants.
The PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain stink bugs like to hide in warm areas in buildings and sheltered spaces in the fall, winter, and spring, finally emerging outside in the summer just in time to destroy your newly planted vegetable garden or landscaping. To protect your home or business from stink bugs in Pennsylvania, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What to Know About Stink Bugs in PA
Since their accidental introduction into the U.S., stink bugs have made their way across the country invading farms, homes, and gardens along the way. Its peculiar odor, which may remind you of a combination of sulfur and ammonia, means you cannot simply crush the bug to get rid of it.
In 2010, stink bugs were responsible for wiping out almost half of the peach crop in Pennsylvania resulting in a 15 million dollar loss. And, these pesky critters aren’t content to simply stop at destroying food crops. The local PA exterminators at Viking Pest explain they are opportunists that also eat an array of trees including ash, dogwood, buckeye, black walnuts, magnolia, willow, hemlock, elm, and oak.
Identifying Stink Bugs in Pennsylvania
Brown marmorated stink bugs that have invaded PA are about ¾ of an inch long, lay their egg clusters on the undersides of leaves and start invading homes and businesses in the fall.
The local PA exterminators at Viking Pest explain stink bugs identifying characteristics include:
- Shield-shaped body
- Mottled brown color
- Broad body almost as wide as they are long
- Pungent odor released from scent glands
When are Stink Bugs Active in Pennsylvania?
Stink bugs are experts at hiding inside homes and businesses during the cooler fall and winter months. The local PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain you may see these insects emerging from cracks around windows, baseboards, ceiling lights, utility pipes, roof flashing, air-conditioning units or exhaust fans.
Stink Bugs Cause Problems for Pennsylvania Homes and Businesses
As a home or business owner in PA, you’ll need to carefully inspect all areas to find any possible entry points to interior spaces. Stink bugs gather in the thousands and hibernate in attics, basements and crawl spaces. The local PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain this pest is attracted to warmth and light so you may see a stink bug or two crawling on your walls or ceilings during the winter.
Getting Rid of Stink Bugs in Pennsylvania
Inspect the exterior of your townhome, or office building, to locate any potential areas that could allow stink bugs easy access to interior spaces. The local PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain stink bugs can fit in extremely small space spaces no larger than the diameter of a pencil.
Reach out to your local PA exterminators at Viking Pest for help stopping a stink bug infestation in your home or business. Viking Pest controls and exterminates stink bugs at Pennsylvania homes and businesses utilizing IPM techniques by minimalizing materials while effectively controlling stink bugs and keeping your family, pets, and customers in mind.
Viking Pest Control Helps Prevent Stink Bugs in PA
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent stink bugs from invading your home or business in Pennsylvania. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!