Delaware Stink Bug & Box Elder Exterminator Services

Brown marmorated stink bugs (Halyomorpha halys) made their way to the United States in the mid to late 1990s. Because they aren’t native to the U.S., stink bugs have few natural predators and are extremely invasive, creating major damage to both gardens, landscaping, and crops.
If you have a stink bug problem in Delaware, you need help to determine the best solution to help eliminate this pest from your buildings and structures. To protect your home or business from stink bugs in Delaware, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options.
When are Stink Bugs Active in Delaware?
The local DE pest control experts at Viking Pest explain when the weather starts to cool down in the fall, somewhere around October, this pest starts searching for a site to overwinter. An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) company, like Viking Pest Control, takes a comprehensive approach towards eliminating stink bugs in Delaware from your home or business.
How to Identify Stink Bugs in Delaware
Stink bugs got their name from the bad smell they release as a defense mechanism when disturbed or crushed. Here are the top tips for identifying stinks bugs in DE explain the pest management professionals at Viking Pest.
- Mottled brown color
- Wings with dark bands on the front
- Shield-shaped body with small head
- Straight antennae with light and dark brown bands
- Piercing and sucking mouthparts
- 12 to 17 mm long (about ½ to ¾ inch)
- Wings folded on top of the body while at rest
The Best Way to Get Rid of Stink Bugs in DE
The extermination experts at Viking Pest explain stink bugs have a reputation for entering buildings at any and every opportunity. The pests can sneak inside through open doors, windows, chimneys and even through small cracks or holes in siding and around foundations.
During the early fall, when stink bugs are outdoors, do a complete check of all buildings around your property. Look for any potential stink bug access points. The local DE exterminators at Viking Pest explain stink bugs can get into openings larger than 4 millimeters. You’ll need to seal them up before the cold weather hits. Silicone or latex caulk, extra screening, and weatherstripping are all items that should be used to help prevent stink bugs in your De home or business.
If you’ve taken all necessary precautions, and this pest is still finding its way inside your property, the best way to get rid of stink bugs in Delaware is to contact an exterminator. Viking Pest Control will treat the exterior of your home and all buildings to control the annual stink bug invasion and help prevent them from finding their way inside your home or business in Delaware.
Viking Pest Control Helps Prevent Stink Bugs in DE
There’s no need to stress if this pest has invaded your residential or commercial space in Delaware. Getting rid of stink bugs in Delaware is as simple as reaching out to a pest management company.
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent stink bugs from invading your home or business in Delaware. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!