Pennsylvania Squirrel Control

Viking Pest Control does not offer Carcass & Dead Animal Removal. Animal removal is only completed by our team when an animal is found in a wildlife trap. Please contact your municipal office for local animal removal vendors.
Viking Pest does NOT treat, trap, nor exterminate Chipmunks due to local regulations. For more information, please call Viking at 1-800-618-2847
When driving down a road or walking around the neighborhood, small rodents called squirrels can be seen scampering up and down trees, running in and out of traffic and sprinting across backyards. Unfortunately for many homeowners and business owners in Pennsylvania, these furry rodents can become unwanted guests, moving in and getting comfortable real quick. To protect your home or business from squirrels in Pennsylvania, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What are Squirrels?
Squirrels are animals that live in trees and have long fluffy tails. They have small pointed ears and long sharp claws they use for climbing trees There are many different kinds of squirrels and they are present on literally continent in the world. Generally, they feed on seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. For a dwelling, squirrels build reinforced nests made of live twigs and vines in cozy tree cavities. While they are not naturally aggressive animals, if they feel threatened, they will bite.
How to Identify Squirrels
There are five different types of squirrels that call Pennsylvania home. The fox squirrel is the largest and has a brownish-gray back and a tan belly. They enjoy hardwood forests and the occasional woodlot. They reproduce an average litter of three in the spring and late summer.
The gray squirrel is smaller than the fox squirrel, sometimes a whole half-pound smaller, and has a gray back and white belly. They inhabit hardwood forests and can tolerate moderate undergrowth. The average litter size is the same as fox squirrels and they reproduce in spring and late summer.
The red squirrel is very small in comparison to the fox and gray but they are known to be territorial and have no problem protecting what is theirs. They have reddish-brown fur white underbelly, Each year they reproduce twice, once in the spring and again in the late summer.
There are two types of flying squirrels in Pennsylvania, the northern and the southern. The northern is rarely seen and is listed on the endangered species list. The southern is more common and can even be seen in some suburban areas. They often carry a parasite that is deadly to the northern flying squirrel. These flying squirrels reproduce twice a year, in the spring and late summer. Their litter ranges from two to seven.
White squirrels are simply albino squirrels and most often appear within the gray squirrel species. There have been some documented cases of albino red squirrels around Pennsylvania State’s University Park campus. The black squirrel is part of the gray species with a color variation and can be found in northern Pennsylvania especially in the Milton and Little Pine state parks.
If a squirrel enters a home there may be strange noises, droppings, chewed-up shingles, and damaged points of entry, explain the wildlife control experts at Viking Pest. Also, a strange odor, water damage, and telltale squirrel footprints could indicate that this critter is calling your home, home.
What Problems Can Squirrels Cause for Pennsylvania Home and Business Owners?
Squirrels chew through electrical wiring and use electrical wires to navigate from roof to roof, accessing different attics. In order to make adequate accommodations, squirrels will chew and scratch and damage an area in order to make a nest. They can chew through holes in siding, unscreened chimneys, and underneath eaves. Squirrels continue to chew through insulation and electrical wires and this can cause a fire hazard, explain the wildlife control experts at Viking Pest.
When Are Squirrels Active in Pennsylvania?
Squirrels are most active in the early morning and late afternoons. The only exception is the flying squirrel which is nocturnal so the bulk of their activity happens at night.
How to Prevent Squirrels in Pennsylvania
There are many precautions you can make in order to deter squirrels from choosing your house or business as a home base. First, do not feed them and this includes bird feeders or compostable food scraps. The smell of nuts, fruit, and seeds is tempting to squirrels so rake the yard regularly to rid it of these tasty treats. If you notice squirrels around your home a lot, this could mean that they have built a nest nearby. To inspect, walk around the perimeter and look for damage or breaches in the exterior walls, roof or eaves. Do not attempt to remove this pest on your own. Call a trained professional, like Viking Pest to assess, remove and prevent further squirrel problems.
Viking Pest Can Help Control and Prevent Squirrels in Pennsylvania
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent squirrels from invading your home or business in Pennsylvania. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!