Pennsylvania Mining Bee Control and Extermination
There are over 20,000 species of bees found throughout the world. In the state of Pennsylvania, there are more than 300 different species of bees represented. One type of bee that commonly causes problems for home and business owners in Pennsylvania is the mining bee. The mining bee can cause unsightly issues in your landscape and make it impossible to use certain areas of your lawn or business property. To protect your Pennsylvania home or business from mining bees, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What Are Mining Bees?
Mining bees are ground-nesting bees. Pennsylvania pest control experts at Viking Pest explain female mining bees build her nests in the ground to lay eggs and rear their young. Mining bees are solitary creatures and don’t live in groups like bumblebees or honeybees. However, mining bees will build their nests near one another in the ground. A large infestation of mining bees can cause the landscape of your Pennsylvania home or office building to be peppered with holes, explain the local Pennsylvania exterminators at Viking Pest.
How to Identify Mining Bees
Viking Pest’s certified entomologist, Craig, explains mining bees are much smaller than bumblebees but can be similar in coloration: black and yellow. For size comparison, you’ll find that mining bees are more closely related in size to honeybees. One of the easiest ways to identify mining bees is by their behavior. Pennsylvania pest control experts at Viking Pest explain if you see bees flying near the ground and coming in and out of holes in the ground, then you likely have a mining bee infestation at your Pennsylvania home or business.
What Problems Can Mining Bees Cause for Pennsylvania Home and Business Owners?
Mining bees can damage the landscape of your Pennsylvania business or residence. Local Pennsylvania exterminators at Viking Pest explain if the soil of your home or business is dry making it suitable for mining bees, a large number of them will likely arrive to build nests. This can create a concentration of unsightly holes and mounds of soil in your landscape. In addition, a large mining bee infestation can make it impossible for you to walk on or enjoy the area where they’ve built their nests.
When Are Mining Bees Active in Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania pest control experts at Viking Pest explain in Pennsylvania, mining bees are active starting in the spring and remain active throughout the summer. Young mining bees spend the winter in their nests in an immature state and reach maturity in time to emerge once the spring weather arrives.
How to Prevent Mining Bees in Pennsylvania
The best way to get rid of mining bees in Pennsylvania is with the help of a pest control professional who’s trained to deal with and control bees. Effective mining bee control involves a number of tactics that are part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan. Mining bees are known to return to the same nesting area multiple times. This means that you must address your mining bee problem at the source with IPM in order to keep them from returning in the future.
Viking Pest Can Help Control and Prevent Mining Bees in Pennsylvania
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent mining bees from invading your home or business in Pennsylvania. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!