Maryland Fly / Drain Fly Control

Flies are filthy pests that lay their eggs in moist, decaying matter. Flies can be found near animal waste, carcasses, and garbage. Unfortunately, flies will also infest your Eastern Shore of Maryland home or business and can transfer the bacteria they pick up from decaying matter to the food and surfaces inside. To protect your home or business from flies on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What are Flies?
Flies are small insects that fly around in search of food and places to lay eggs. The Eastern Shore of Maryland pest control experts at Viking Pest explain flies are opportunistic eaters and will feed off of an animal carcass, your picnic lunch, and just about anything in between. In Maryland, it is common to find flies around trashcans, discarded food, animal waste, and animal carcasses. Flies often slip into homes or businesses through an open window or door. This pest can typically find all the food it needs to survive inside your home or business.
How to Identify Flies
The Eastern Shore of Maryland exterminators at Viking Pest state the common housefly is the type of fly you will see most often in your Maryland home or business. The adult housefly is around 1/4th of an inch long and gray with two wings and six legs.
Other types of flies you may encounter in your Maryland home or business are the blow fly (or blowfly) and the bottle fly. Experts at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Maryland point out that the blow fly and bottle fly are similar in size to the housefly but have a metallic blue or green coloration.
What Problems Can Flies Cause for Maryland Home and Business Owners?
The most concerning factor about having flies inside your Maryland home or business is the fact that they can spread disease. Flies can spread diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, food poisoning, dysentery, and eye infections to humans. Flies are not picky when it comes to finding food. When flies land on food that you are eating, they use their mouth-parts to liquefy and pick up food. During this process, flies can transmit bacteria and pathogens that they are carrying to you.
When are Flies Active in Maryland?
The Eastern Shore of Maryland pest control experts at Viking Pest explain flies are active in Maryland during the spring, summer, and early fall. The life cycle of flies is relatively short – typically between two and four weeks, according to experts at the University of Maryland Extension. If you experience a consistent problem with flies at your Maryland home or business it is likely because there is a breeding ground near your property where the fly population is constantly being replenished. The best way to get rid of flies in Maryland is to use a strategy that includes addressing the source of the fly population.
How to Control Flies in Maryland
Effective fly control involves dealing with the adult flies inside your Maryland home or business and addressing them at the source. The Eastern Shore of Maryland pest control experts at Viking Pest explain flies will continue to get inside your property until you take steps to stop the constant increase in the population. Integrated pest management (IPM) is a professional treatment process that will eliminate flies in your home or business and help prevent future problems by controlling flies at the source. The certified pest management professionals at Viking Pest will utilize IPM techniques to effectively control your fly infestation while keeping your family, pets, and customers in mind at your Eastern Shore of Maryland home or business.
Hire Viking Pest to Help Control Flies in Maryland
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent flies from invading your home or business in Maryland. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!