Pennsylvania Carpenter Bee Control and Extermination

Carpenter bees are a type of wood-destroying organism (WDO) that can cause damage to various areas around your Pennsylvania home or business such as wood siding, fascia boards, decks, wood furniture, and fencing. The female carpenter bee bores unsightly holes into the wood around your house to create a nest and lay eggs. If you do not take steps to eliminate carpenter bees from your property in Pennsylvania, the next generation will emerge in the spring and continue to cause damage. To protect your PA home or business from carpenter bees, you need to learn about the behavior of this pest, take steps for prevention, and find effective treatment options should an infestation occur.
What are Carpenter Bees?
Carpenter bees are a species of bee that causes structural damage throughout homes and businesses in Pennsylvania. These pests are large, between 1/2 to 1 inch, solitary bees. The Pennsylvania pest control experts at Viking Pest explain carpenter bees do not live in groups or hives like some other types of bees. Instead, one female and one male work together to create a safe place for their eggs. The female carpenter bee works on boring a hole in the wood while the male acts as a protector against potential threats. The male carpenter bee often appears to be hovering and will display aggressive movements if it feels threatened. The male carpenter bee is not an actual threat because he does not have a stinger.
How to Identify Carpenter Bees
Viking Pest’s certified entomologist, Craig, explains the eastern carpenter bee (Xylocopa virginica) is the most common type of carpenter bee found in Pennsylvania. Carpenter bees are close in size to a bumblebee. However, you can differentiate between the two types of bees by looking at the abdomen. Carpenter bees have a smooth, shiny black abdomen. Bumblebees, in contrast, have hairs covering their abdomen.
What Problems Can Carpenter Bees Cause for Pennsylvania Home and Business Owners?
Viking Pest’s local PA exterminators state the main problem carpenter bees cause for Pennsylvania home and business owners is wood damage. These pests bore holes into wood to create their nests. It looks unsightly and can lead to water damage and rot in your home or business.
The PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain common areas where carpenter bees cause damage include window and door trim, eaves, wood shingles, fence posts, swing sets, porches, fascia boards, wood railing, retaining walls, and decks. Once a female carpenter bee bores a hole into the wood, she lays her eggs and makes sure the nest is right to keep the immature bees safe. The holes that carpenter bees create can also impact the structural integrity of the wood if you have a large infestation explain the Pennsylvania exterminators at Viking Pest.
When are Carpenter Bees Active in Pennsylvania?
The PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain young adult carpenter bees spend the winter inactive in the tunnels the females create during the summer. These young adult carpenter bees emerge in the spring, mate, and start the process of creating a place to lay their eggs. The eggs that female carpenter bees lay in the area where she evacuated the wood will become adults by August. The PA pest control experts at Viking Pest explain in Pennsylvania, you can find active eastern carpenter bees starting in the spring and remaining active until the weather starts to cool.
How to Prevent Carpenter Bees in Pennsylvania
If you are trying to determine how to get rid of carpenter bees, start by looking into your options for professional pest control. Carpenter bees often bore new holes but they will also reuse old holes by excavating more tunnels for their young. The PA pest control experts at Viking Pest will perform a detailed inspection of your home or business to look for carpenter bee damage.
The best time to receive a carpenter bee inspection is in the late winter or early spring. If carpenter bee damage is found by a Viking Pest management professional, they will recommend the best treatment option.
Once you eliminate carpenter bees that are currently on your property, you can start taking steps for carpenter bee prevention. Prevention efforts can include filling in the empty holes and painting exposed wood to deter carpenter bee activity, getting routine inspections from the pest control experts at Viking Pest, and investing in treatment as needed.
Hire Viking Pest to Help Control Carpenter Bees in Pennsylvania
Viking Pest offers expert treatment designed to effectively and efficiently control and prevent carpenter bees from invading your home or business in Pennsylvania. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques focuses on finding the core of the pest concern and controlling carpenter bees from the source. Through IPM, pest control materials are selected and applied in a manner that minimizes risks to human health, pets, and the environment. Call Viking today for your FREE and NO OBLIGATION estimate at 1-800-618-2847 or schedule online today!