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Philadelphia is the birthplace of our nation and home to the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and the Betsy Ross House. Our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia. Founded by Benjamin Franklin, the first public library, The Library Company of Philadelphia, opened its doors and remains open today.

Thousands of tourists visit Philadelphia every year, visiting historical and cultural sites, dining on delicious Philly cheesesteak sandwiches, and browsing the Philadelphia Magic Gardens. While Philadelphia residents also appreciate seeing these sites on the weekends, many of them have to deal 24/7 with something much less fun and delightful–rats!

Philadelphia’s rat problem can be attributed to similar factors affecting other urban areas overrun by rats: a dense population, ample food sources, older infrastructure needing repairs, and temperate climates where rats thrive throughout the year. While home and business owners do what they can to reduce rat infestations, they rely on Viking Pest, the leading provider of expert rat control in Philadelphia, to eradicate and control these rodent invaders.

Norway and Roof Rats in Philadelphia

Philly residents who catch sight of rats are likely encountering either Norway or Roof rats. Norway rats are the larger and more assertive of the two species, sporting gray or brown fur. Growing up to a foot in length, Norway rats with accessible resources weigh as much as one pound as adults. Additionally, they are known to harbor a range of illnesses, like salmonellosis, leptospirosis, and toxoplasmosis, which have the potential to cause severe sickness in children, expectant mothers, and older adults.

The smaller, more agile Roof rat is called the “roof” rat for a good reason—it has exceptional climbing abilities and prefers nesting in attics and rooftops. Roof rats are also gray, brown, or black but have lighter bellies than Norway rats. Moreover, they carry the same diseases that Norway rats carry, leaving high loads of infectious viruses and bacteria behind in their droppings and urine.

Viking Pest Control’s SMART Rodent Control: The Most Advanced Philadelphia Rat Exterminator Tool

Viking Pest Control offers the industry’s most innovative and efficient method for rat control in Philadelphia: Anticimex SMART Pest Control. This cutting-edge system utilizes proprietary technology to monitor and stop pest invasions effectively. In collaboration with Viking Pest Control Services, Anticinemex provides an eco-friendly approach to identifying and resolving pest problems promptly.

The system utilizes the Global Standard Network for mobile communication (GSM) and radio networks to communicate and deliver information to a SMART reporting system. Our proactive approach reduces the need for large-scale pesticide application, making it an effective and sustainable pest control option.

Call Viking Pest for Prompt Rat Control in Philadelphia

Viking Pest is proud of our team of highly skilled pest control technicians and their ability to develop the perfect plan for controlling rat infestations in your Philly home or business. Call 800-618-2847 to schedule an appointment for swift, effective rat control in Philadelphia.