Franklin Lakes,
New Jersey

As you well know, living here in Franklin Lakes is a wonderful experience. You get that small-town feel whether walking the downtown streets browsing the shop windows, attending that basketball game over at the high school, fishing in one of our area ponds, or jogging on the miles of trails at the Franklin Lakes Nature Preserve; yet, we are only 20 miles from the big city life in New York City.
If ever anyone town had it all, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey would be the one; we truly are the jewel on the crown of Bergen County. As much as we love and appreciate our town, so do the mice, termites, and other pests and wildlife. The rolling hills and abounding water sources that add so much beauty and peace to us offer pests a habitat, food sources, and water supply. Fortunately, you can count on the 40 years of Viking experience and our highly trained technicians to eliminate the pest issues that you may have. Whether you are dealing with rodents, insects, or wildlife issues we have the technology, training, and experience to safely and effectively eliminate the problem.
For Franklin Lakes pest control services, you can trust, contact Viking Pest Control!
Home Pest Control in Franklin Lakes, NJ
Here at Viking, we offer our Home Protection Plan for homeowners in Bergen County dealing with pest problems. This affordable and effective pest control plan is the perfect way to eliminate current pests from your home and adds a perimeter of protection around it to keep pests out. The unique challenges that living in a seasonal climate poses are no problem for our highly trained, experienced pest control specialists. As the season’s change and the pests along with it, our technicians are ready and equipped to ensure your home remains pest-free no matter the weather or the season.
Our home pest control program includes options for treatments for the pests that we find with our initial inspection and includes pests like pavement ants, ticks, fleas, spiders, silverfish, mice, roaches, earwigs, stinging insects, centipedes, mosquitos, spotted lanternflies, millipedes, clover mites, spider mites, house crickets, firebrats, pillbugs, carpenter bees, and more. Give yourself that Viking peace of mind by setting up your inspection today. You will be glad you did!
Franklin Lakes NJ Wildlife Removal
Here at Viking, we love wildlife as much as the next guy. Woodland creatures are beautiful and fascinating creatures when they are in the wild, but when they decide that they would rather live in our city or in your home they are not so beautiful and fascinating anymore. These creatures not only bring destruction to your home and property, but they can also bring diseases and parasites with them. A wild animal is just that – wild! It is never a clever idea for you to try to tackle this problem on your own. These animals, while they may seem quite adorable, have been known to attack if they feel threatened or cornered; and their urine, feces, and saliva contain harmful bacteria and human pathogens that can make you and your family extremely ill. Common wild creatures that we deal with include rodents, bats, squirrels, raccoons, groundhogs, skunks, and birds, among others. If you find yourself dealing with a wildlife issue, give Viking a call for wildlife removal in Franklin Lakes. Our trained pest control professionals have the knowledge and equipment to eliminate wildlife effectively from your home or business.
Termite Control for Your Franklin Lakes Home
If you find that you have a termite infestation, if you think you may have one, or if you want to avoid one altogether, the first step for you is to contact the Franklin Lakes termite control experts here at Viking. First, we will send one of our highly trained professionals to your home to inspect and determine whether the insects you saw are indeed termites or if they are an insect that closely resembles them. Our pest management professionals know where and how to search for damage, tunnels, hidden signs, and of course, the creatures themselves. After our extensive inspection, we will give you a written estimate and develop the most effective plan of action for your situation which we will outline in our service agreement.
When you contract with Viking for termite control, you will be matched with one of three options to combat your termite infestation or a combination of options depending on your specific needs. One way that we can control termites is with a Termite Bait and Monitoring System. This method employs eco-friendly termite baiting stations strategically and discreetly placed around your property that will attract and feed termites who then will bring this ‘bait’ into their colonies and share it, destroying the entire colony; including the queen! Once your infestation is gone, continued use and periodic checks are required to ensure that a new infestation does not occur. Plus, there is no trenching, digging, or drilling required so discretion is utilized, and your property is left intact.
Bed Bug Treatments in Franklin Lakes
If bed bugs are the pest that has decided to invade your home, Viking has the solution with our effective bed bug control services. These elusive little hitchhiking bugs have made a comeback in recent years and have proven to be resistant to many of the Do-It-Yourself options that exist, which is why professional intervention is often required to completely evict these little creatures. One of the best ways to avoid bed bugs is to know the facts regarding just exactly how you get them in the first place. Bed bugs cannot fly or jump, so their only mode of transportation is hitchhiking on your pant leg, shoes, purse, computer bag, luggage, etc.
This happens when you are in proximity to a bed bug and it climbs onto you or into one of your personal items. Bed bugs frequent places such as hotels, motels, dorms, libraries, taxi cabs, buses, trains, planes, and any other place where they can find their favorite food source – humans.
Once inside your home, they will set up housekeeping and get straight to work laying eggs and multiplying rapidly. These creatures not only live in and near your bed, but also in furniture, electrical outlets, wall voids, computers, televisions, stereos, video games, and baseboards – anywhere that they can hide and breed undetected is fine with them.
The hardest part about eliminating bed bugs from your home is that you must reach every single bug, nymph, and egg that is there. This takes the expertise of a professional, and what better professional for the job than the trusted experts here at Viking? We have the products that work and the training and experience to safely administer them for total bed bug eradication.
Wondering how to get rid of pests in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey? Call Viking to get connected with a local pest exterminator near you!