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To Schedule Service, Call 800-618-2847

Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey

Englewood Cliffs

Having a pest control service in place for your Englewood Cliffs home or business is key to its structural health and to the overall well-being of your family, employees, or customers. With over 40 years of experience in providing home and business owners of New Jersey with quality pest control services, we consider ourselves pros at solving pest problems that arise in the local Englewood Cliffs region.

Our pest services are efficient as well as effective with a special focus on customer service to ensure optimum results. Along with more traditional means of pest control, we also provide natural and organic pest control services to homes and businesses throughout Bergen County and the surrounding areas. If you are struggling with insects and rodents in your home this fall trust an Englewood Cliffs exterminator at Viking Pest Control to eliminate your pest issue and help you regain peace of mind. We even get rid of bed bugs and mosquitos, too!

Home Pest Control in Englewood Cliffs NJ

At Viking we provide year-round pest control services that will treat for and prevent a variety of pests from entering your Englewood Cliffs home. Our unique residential pest control program will give you everything that you need for home wrapped up all in one package! This program includes seasonally timed maintenance visits that are specific to the season and provides protection for both the inside and outside of your home. If you notice pest activity between visits we will come back and take care of the problems for you at no-charge if the pest is covered within your plan! Pests covered by the Home Protection Plans include:

Ants (Common / Sugar / Crazy / Odorous House), Spiders (Common / Black Widow / Wolf), Stinging Insects (Bees / Hornets / Paper Wasps / Mud Daubers / Yellow Jackets) Crickets, (Common House Only), Beetles (Ground), Centipedes, Clover Mites, Earwigs, Grasshoppers, Millipedes, Silverfish, Spider Mites, Pill Bugs, Mice, Rats, Carpenter Bees, Carpenter Ants, Pantry Pests (Grain Beetles / Pantry Weevils / Indian Meal Moths), Roaches (All), Crickets (Camel / Cave / Crab / Spider / Mole / Other), WDIR (Free for Current Customers)

Commercial Pest Control in Englewood Cliffs, NJ

Wondering how to get rid of pests in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey? Viking Pest has your home – and business – covered!

Viking Pest Control specializes in commercial pest control services for a variety of businesses; no matter how big or small they may be. Our professional technicians are state certified and licensed pest professionals. Additionally, our pest control experts are continuously trained on new and upcoming pest control techniques. Our services include periodic visits by one of our quality control supervisors to ensure that you are receiving the highest quality effective services. We will also provide you with an inspection review of your facility before other inspecting service inspectors from agencies like AIB, ASI, USDA, FDA, OMRI, NOP arrive.

Viking’s comprehensive pest control services will help to ensure that your business, its inventory, and reputation are not damaged because of pest issues.